Youth Ministries

There are many ways your child will receive Bible instruction on his or her level at the same time making new friends!


Our nursery is designed for children up to three years of age. The nursery is clean and safe staffed by loving, caring volunteers who have been carefully screened. In addition, we offer a Mother Care Room to provide a safe, private atmosphere for nursing mothers and their babies.


Children’s Church, designed for Pre-K through 3rd grade children, meets each Sunday morning during the worship service. Children learn Bible stories and foundational principles for life by a caring, trained staff of volunteers. Your children will love Super Church!


Each Wednesday evening beginning with checkin at 7:00pm (during the school year) children from Pre-K through 12th grades enjoy a time of games, Bible memory, and Bible instruction.


We offer classes which meet at 9:30 AM every Sunday. Our caring and talented teachers will inspire your children to grow in the Lord step by step to become more like Christ in their daily lives.


ILLUMIN8 is our teen ministry to young people 7th grade thru 12th grade. They meet at 9:30 Sunday mornings and 7PM Wednesday nights for interactive Bible study, fun, and fellowship. September-May, Illumin8 uses Awana Clubs curriculum and format with large group, small group times as well as an exciting game time.